Dear Parents:


I am so excited to bring you this family friendly horror podcast! As a child of the late 80's/early 90's, I was raised on Goosebumps, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Tales from the Crypt, and Unsolved Mysteries. Trading spooky stories at recess and sleepovers was a rite of passage and a tradition I've loved passing on to my own children as they've gotten older. My goal for this show has been to not only thrill children and teens with spookiness, but to also reignite those flames in adults who grew up with the same loves I did. My greatest hope is that this will be a show that the whole family can enjoy listening to together. 

As a parent, I know that scary stories aren't for everyone, and that this genre can be tricky to judge when it comes to appropriateness for your own kids. We have deemed this show as appropriate for ages 8 and up, but you may decide that your 5 year old would love it or know that your 15 year old wouldn't be ready for it. Knowing my own children and their interests, I'm confident that my 11 year old and 13 year old will love it while my 8 year old has already told me he will not be listening to it. Despite the comedic relief that each episode provides, if your child has no interest in getting a little scared, they will not like this show.

However, I am a big believer that scary stories don't need gore to be successfully scary. I purposefully didn't choose to retell the more gruesome versions of some of these stories because I just don't find them as interesting. That is a trend you can expect to continue. 

There is peril in this show, and listeners will worry for the character's safety throughout the seasons. I hope you'll learn to trust me, and know that I am more interested in telling good stories than just trying to scare the pants off of listeners. 

To help you gauge whether this is something that you feel comfortable listening to with your kids, we've given ourselves a PG rating. Each episode will also be on our YouTube channel with closed captioning and fan art so that kids can turn it down and read along if the audio gets too intense. We hope that this will be helpful to you and your families!

More than anything, we hope that you and your children will have fun listening to our show. We can't WAIT to share it with you!

Spookily Yours,

Becky McLaughlin

Creator/Executive Producer